If you just want to take the Langugaecert exam of single component, either Spoken Or Written (Reading, listening, writing), you can purchase the voucher code for the relevant component.
Once paid the fee, you are required to fill out the Languagecert Registration Form: https://www.jotform.com/202161386381452
To purchase Complete 4 skills exam, go to https://store.icd.org.pk/products/language-cert-c1-level-exam
For any further query, call on 03111-999-100
Once paid the fee, you are required to fill out the Languagecert Registration Form: https://www.jotform.com/202161386381452
To purchase Complete 4 skills exam, go to https://store.icd.org.pk/products/language-cert-c1-level-exam
For any further query, call on 03111-999-100